Sunday, October 25, 2009

days off, and everything in between...

last week i had 2 days off in new york city. i got to see some dear friends and went to the MOMA.

in my lifetime i have seen 9 countries, 50 states, the mona lisa, the sistine chapel, some original bible translations on parchment. i have seen a lot.
this blog was originally going to be all about those sorts of things. i have found in the difference that life is never about things, but time.

time to see what i have seen is a rare luxury. even for those who do what i do.
i have seen sir kelvins rose garden, but i have also seen just as many beggars and subway cars.

as this year draws to a close i find myself wanting for less and less and just happy to have been on this spinning mass of rock for as long as i have.

i am more thankful for those that see me and let me see them.

next year i shall see even more of this wondrous place we all live on. i guess what i am feeling now, more than before, is that the people i know are worth extra time and effort. even the people i dont know are worth more....a far subway ride on a day off, waiting for a friend in a square....waiting and giving are more than before.

there is so much to do everywhere you live, whether it be in omaha, or in new york city. those who say they are bored, or havnt seen things in their city are wasting away. when did we become so old that we gave up the wonder of driving 15 minutes more, or walking 15 blocks more? when did our horizons end at our doorstep after a long day?
no matter how tired i am, i hope my horizon never ends at my bed when it could end somewhere a little better.
and no, i am not talking about "the small things" im not talking about "big things" im not even talking about "things" all of that is trite and overstated. i only mean to say, a mans reach should exceed his grasp all of his matter how many days he has.


  1. this is a seriously motivating blog.

    i find myself confined to a routine. work all day to come home to watch a movie i've already seen, crawl into bed and snuggle with my decrepit dinosaur (sorry Little Foot, but it's true), slumber, and do the same thing the next day. go, go, go, work, work, work, and for THAT reward? come, on, erica.

    and that's why i move in about three days. start grad school. time to invigorate my life-- to remember why it's important to live it. thanks for the reminder why.
