Sunday, June 28, 2009

and we will rock forever on....

this week has been very eventful. i started warped tour, lost farrah, and the king of pop.

warped tour has been wonderful so far, bayside is here, and lots of old friends. it is so good to be out with so many good people and bands. this year it is like an actual punk tour. anti flag, bad religion, the ataris, nofx. waking up everyday and watching these epic punk bands shred, is a great way to wake up. it reminds me why i started going to shows in the first place.

tomorrow is the first day off on the tour and we will be spending it in phoenix, the hottest town in america i think.

our tour is already so blessed and i feel like i am finally enjoying all my hard work, and expertise. i feel like a big fish in the big pond finally. not that i am flawless or know it all, but i feel like all of my journeys have brought me to this tour, this year with this band. all i have to do, is be good....

i am thankful.

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